Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Back to School

No, I haven't quite started back to school yet. But I took a step in that direction today when I registered for classes. I got the classes I needed...though not with the teacher I wanted for one of them. Actually, I got a teacher who I've heard clear through my career at BYU-I to avoid if at all possible. Beautiful. But hey, I got the class. I'm gonna think positive here. And I didn't get the religion class I wanted, because for some reason I thought it fit into my schedule, but really it doesn't. But, on another positive note...I found one that is taught by a former SHS seminary teacher, one who I always wanted but wasn't ever put into his class. So I'm way excited for that. And I'm only going to be taking 14 credits...that will be weird. But then again, I'll also be working while going to school, and commuting to IF for that. There's something I've never done before.

But it was interesting how this whole registration thing worked...late last night I had a friend call me who just needed someone to listen. I'm not gonna lie, I was tired, but if it were me on the other end of that phone, I'd want someone to listen to me too. Besides, it was one of my best friends. I couldn't say no! After we got off the phone, I went into my room and started making my bed because I'd washed my sheets. I didn't think I registered until tomorrow because of my credits. However, I did get 8 additional credits last week for the Spanish tests. They're not showing up yet on my transcript...but obviously they're marked down somewhere because I registred. Anyway, I had this feeling that I should check to see if the credits were listed yet so I'd know if I needed to get up early or not. I did, and they weren't so I went to bed fully planning on registering tomorrow. I did get the insurance hold taken care of at that point. A few minutes after I laid down, the Spirit told me to check again on registration. Well, I've learned to not ignore the Spirit when it speaks to me. So I got up and turned on my computer and opened the registration website. And sure enough, I was cleared to register today. So I changed the time my alarm was set for and went to sleep.

I slept right through that alarm. I was tired! Luckily, I use my phone and can have multiple alarms set at a time, so I woke up 45 minutes later to another alarm. As soon as I heard it, I realized that it wasn't my first alarm, that I was late. In one fell swoop, my computer was in my hands and i was sitting up putting on my glasses so I could actually see, praying that the classes I needed still had openings. One of them only had 3 left, but I got it! That class is full now...if I hadn't had that prompting to check last night, I wouldn't have gotten into that class, which is vital for me to have this semester. Well, I guess I could have registered for another class dealing with my minor that I petitioned for...but I'm supposed to take this particular class at the same time as another I've got this semester.

Anyway, I am SO grateful for those quiet whisperings of the Spirit and for the lessons I have learned in my life of the importance of listening to the Spirit. What a wonderful blessing!

1 comment:

  1. And actually...I e-mailed the professor I wanted for the class that I got the professor I didn't want...and he added me to the class. Everything is working out PERFECTLY! I feel so blessed! I truly do feel that Heavenly Father is taking care of me for having served a mission :)
