Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Summer Job

I started my summer job on Saturday at Mrs. Powell's. We have the most amazing cinnamon rolls you will probably ever taste (sorry Jill. They're even better than yours). I think it will be fun. So far I like the people I work with. And there's perks. I get a free cinnamon roll every time I work. So lets see... I work 4 nights this week. Oh man, I'm gonna get fat! Saturday I worked, was it 5-close? I think so. Today I worked 12-4:30 and 5:30-close. Yeah, that was a long day. But it really didn't seem that long. There was plenty to do, and I've pretty much got the hang of what is going on over in the bakery. Tomorrow I'll get to learn how to do things over in The Pantry, which is a sit-down restaurant. Goody. I work 4:30-close. Yeah, I know. Close, close, close. I knew what I was getting myself into when I was hired though. I knew that they were looking for someone to work the night shift when I applied. Every day I work this week I work the closing shift. So there's always lots of cleaning to do. I washed dishes for 45 minutes straight right before closing tonight, and I'd washed them, or at least helped put them away at least 4 other times during my shift. We go through lots of pans because we go through lots of cinnamon rolls. Yummy! Yeah, I'm gonna like my job, but I'm gonna have to really start exercising so I don't gain weight. My goal is to LOSE some before I leave on my mission... but that probably won't happen. So long as I can still fit into the clothes I have/ will be getting in the near future when I leave in 2 months it will be all good.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Estoy leyendo el Libro de Mormón

Así que el viernes me fui a la librería y compró un español Libro de Mormón para poder empezar a leer que, en espera de que algunos de lo que aprendí en la escuela secundaria que volver a mí y que yo tal vez ser capaz de comprender algo cuando llegar a la MTC en julio. Se está demostrando ser bastante la hazaña, pero creo que estoy en la captura. Me siento aquí con mi Inglés y Español Libros de Mormón y un traductor en línea y llegar al trabajo. (Actualmente estoy utilizando el traductor en línea para escribir esto. ¡Vamos gente, no soy tan bueno!) Me han hecho a través de la página del título y la introducción, y los testimonios de los tres y ocho testigos. Voy a admitir, me saltará el testimonio de José Smith y que acaba de leer en Inglés. Eso fue más de lo que yo quería tratar de conquistar. He leído 1 Nefi 1 esta noche, y me tomó casi una hora, pero estoy feliz de informar de que yo era capaz de comprender lo que leo, y que hay algunas palabras que no sabía hace tres días que no No tiene que buscar más! Esperemos que en el momento de terminar 1 Nefi no tendré que buscar el mayor número de palabras y la comprensión serán más capaces de leer y más rápido.

For those of you who don't understand Spanish...

I am reading the Book of Mormon

So on Friday I went up to the bookstore and bought a Spanish Book of Mormon so I could start reading that in hopes that some of what I learned in high school would come back to me and that I would maybe be able to understand something when I get to the MTC in July. It is proving to be quite the feat, but I think I'm catching on. I sit here with my English and Spanish Books of Mormon and an online translator and get to work. (I'm currently using the online translator to write this. Come on people, I'm not that good!) I am done with the title page and introduction, and the testimony of three and eight witnesses. I will admit, I skipped the testimony of Joseph Smith and just read it in English. That was more than I wanted to try to conquer. I read 1 Nephi 1 tonight, and it took me almost an hour, but I am happy to report that I was able to understand what I read, and that there are some words that he knew three days ago that do not have to look up anymore! Hopefully, by the time I finish 1 Nephi I will not have to look up as many words and will be able to read faster.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Called to Serve

My mission call came today! Mom called me this afternoon and said that there was a big, white envelope sitting on the counter waiting for me. Oh boy, talk about freaking out! I started pacing the floor. I went and told some of my friends goodbye because they're heading home for the summer, and I won't see them again. But I took off down the road with rain coming down and music playing trying to stay calm. Dad came in early from work, so I picked him up at the bus stop. Then we went over to Westside so we could watch Lance do his Jump Rope for Heart competition. I was basically dying. He finished that and we went home and opened my call.

Dear Sister Good:

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the New Mexico Albuquerque Mission. It is anticipated that you will serve for a period of 18 months.

You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, July 1, 2009. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language.

I am so excited to go serve! I am very happy that I am going Spanish speaking, and Mom is very happy that I'm staying in the States. So I guess we both win! I haven't been able to stop smiling since I opened it around 4:30 this afternoon. One of my FHE brothers told me that he's never seen me this happy. On my way back up to Rexburg to tell my roommates and friends, I stopped and told my Bishop and his wife and one of the counselors in the Bishopric and my Relief Society Adviser (who is his wife). I called all my family, and was on the phone the whole way back up. My phone was completely charged this morning, and started beeping at me this afternoon. I have lots of friends I needed to tell.

I called my roommates as I was pulling off the highway and told them to get our FHE group together so I could tell everyone. We were waiting on a few people, and it was killing everyone that I wasn't saying anything. When everyone got there, I started reading my call letter again. When they heard where I'm going, they cheered. When they heard I'm going Spanish speaking, they cheered. It was so fun! I'm so glad that my call came before school got out so I could tell everyone where I'm going. That saved me about a million phone calls ;)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Waiting, not so patiently

So there was a slight, very slight, chance that my mission call would come today. I thought I was going crazy yesterday. I went on a nice long walk, then came home and started scrubbing the stove for white glove. 3 hours later, the top of the stove was up to white glove standards. Okay, so I probably could have spent less time, but the drip pans were disgusting! But hey, it looks pretty good now. Again, I hardly slept last night. I stayed up late studying for my World Civ final, for which I got to class this morning only to find out that it was optional. We could take our current test average, or take the final to try to improve it. Well, I figured that since I had studied and actually put forth some effort for this test I might as well take it to see if I could improve my average at all. So we'll see how I did. And I took my final in Science Methods. I was done with my finals by 10:00 this morning. I was able to get my scripture study done during my breaks, which was nice. But I was going absolutely crazy because of the slight chance that my call could come today. I couldn't hold still! My foot was shaking or my leg was bouncing or I was clicking my pen! I was driving myself nuts! My friends just laughed at me. I'd get a text message and freak out because it could be mom calling to say that it's here. And I'd tell my friends to STOP texting me, and they'd just tell everyone they saw who knows me to text me because they thought it would be funny. Not so much. Oh boy you should have seen me freak out when my phone rang and it was mom. BAAA! But she was just calling to say that it didn't arrive today. Bummer. But on the bright side, my shaking stopped and I was able to focus! But it'll be here tomorrow, and I'm still going crazy! I have to keep myself busy, and am completely done with everything I had to do this semester. So, I'll spend the rest of the day white-gloving the kitchen, and yes, I'll probably end up doing Jill's jobs too, but I have to stay busy or my roommates are going to hate me, and it's not nice out today so I can't run away! Cleaning, here I come!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


If you've never waited for a mission call to come, it's a very... interesting time. At least for me. As I mentioned, I didn't want to know when it's coming because I knew that I wouldn't be able to focus on anything. Not that I have that much that I have to do despite the fact that it's finals, but still. I also knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep. I've actually done okay in the focusing department. Sure I've struggled a little focusing on World Civ, but I've been that way all semester. I actually sat down and studied for about an hour and a half today. Yea me! That test will be done with at 8:45 in the morning, and I'm so excited! I sold back my book today, and boy did that feel good! Anyway, I can focus okay, but sleep... that's another story. Saturday night I sat up in the living room, finally falling asleep sometime between 2:30 and 3:00 am. I woke up around 3:00 and decided to come into bed, thinking that as tired as I was I'd be able to sleep. Not so, my friends, not so. I tossed and turned, and remember last looking at my clock between 4:30 and 5:00 and I was woken up by the lovely sound of my roommate's alarm at 7:00 am. That's right, I only got about 2 hours of sleep. I figured I'd just take a nice, long nap that afternoon, but alas, that wasn't to be the case. My ward had a potluck between conference sessions so we went to that, and I was falling asleep so I came back up before the rest of my roommates so I could try to sleep a bit. There was an hour before the next session started, so I thought I'd get an hour of sleep. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep pretty fast, but woke up about 25 minutes after I laid down and couldn't fall back asleep. Oh well. I thought I'd make it to bed early because I was so tired. But again, it wasn't meant to be. I went Stadium Singing one last time (yes, it made me cry when we sang God Be With You Til We Meet Again) and came home to get ready for bed. I pulled out my planner and realized that I hadn't done my reading for my Special Ed class. All I did was print out the article, because I had a break during which I could do the reading, but turning on my computer took some time and then loading the article was ridiculous because my internet was being so slow. Once I finally got the article printed out and got into bed, it was close to 11:30, but I still had 7 hours to sleep... if I'd been able to fall asleep right away that is. I tossed and turned for a few hours and only got about 5 hours of sleep. I was so tired. I fell asleep for a few minutes during World Civ and again during my break, but that was only about 10 minutes of sleep combined. I came home after class and laid down to try to get some sleep because I knew that I would be driving down to IF for FHE. I did, for about half an hour. So, I drove down to IF after only getting 8 hours of sleep in 2 days. Probably not the smartest thing, but oh well. We all made it back alive. My Relief Society President was having a bridal shower last night, so I went over to that for a while, and when I got home around 10:30 told my roommates I was going to go to bed. Well, dad had called me about my broken tail light so I called him back and talked to him for a while, and started getting ready for bed around 11:00. That's not too bad, right? Well, when Shaina came in at 1:30 I was still up, typing away on my computer. I wasn't wasting time, I was actually writing a paper for my mission prep class, but I still got a dirty look because I should have been asleep. But when I finally turned my light off around 2:00 am I fell right asleep, and didn't wake up until after 9:30 this morning, and then I laid in bed for an hour without doing anything, then picked up my computer and played around for a while, staying in bed until after 11:00. That felt nice, and boy was it needed. I got up and leisurely got ready then went to lunch with Britney. It was tasty, and super nice, because now I'm not going to need to decide what to fix for dinner, 'cause I'm stuffed! Then I went and sold back my World Civ book and came home, grabbed a blanket and went outside to study for my World Civ test. Not the most enjoyable activity, but it needed to be done. And I figure that if I can't sleep again tonight I'll sit up and study some more. But it was gorgeous outside to sit and study! I love springtime! I'm tempted to take off on a walk, but we'll see. I really should study some more for my test tomorrow... then again, no matter how much I've studied for the rest of the tests I've had this semester I've failed, so maybe not. I'm kinda beyond the point of caring, and my mind likes to keep wandering off onto a certain envelope that is in the mail.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

On It's Way

You have to love technology. Because mission papers are all done online, Bishops can check the status of mission calls, and well, you guessed it. Mine has been issued. As of Thursday, actually. My mission call is on its way and will be here on Wednesday or Thursday! As you can imagine, I am going out of my mind! I have finals this week and was hoping that I wouldn't find out that it was coming until it was here, because I'll be done with my finals at 10:00 Wednesday morning. I was talking about that to Jamie and Jill no more than a minute before dad called me to tell me that it's on it's way. So much for that plan. Now I get to sit here all week and wonder where I'm going and when I'm leaving. But I'm so super excited! This is something I have been looking forward to for five months now, and it's finally time! And it will be here before the end of the semester so I can tell all of my friends up here before we all leave for the semester and I have to say goodbye to everyone. Actually, that thought makes me sad, so we're not going to think about it. Keep your eyes peeled to find out where the Lord has called me to serve!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I knew it would happen sooner or later...

It's been a decent week. I've been somewhat productive. Not as much as I maybe should have been, but enough to get by. Well, I woke up yesterday and my nose was a little stuffy and as the day progressed my eyes started to get itchy. I passed it off as allergies. Duh, it's spring! But throughout today as my nose has gotten worse and my head has been pounding and I can hardly see out of my left eye, I'm pretty sure I've got a cold. Great. Right during crunch time. Just my luck, right? I came home from class today and crashed for about 2 1/2 hours, and fully plan on going to bed early tonight. It's a good thing I was selfish and wanted to go dancing so said that I couldn't start work this week, because today is the only day I could have worked. Well, needless to say, I'm not going dancing. Bummer, 'cause it's the last week and would have been free. Then again, it's really kinda sucked this semester, so maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I'll just stay home and maybe do some homework, but maybe not because 2 of my classes were canceled today so I've had lots of homework time already. I should do some, but my eye is really bugging me because of this stupid cold and it feels so much better to just lie down. I suppose I could take some quizzes online for my World Civ class and get those over with and out of the way. We'll see.

Anyway, as to the title of this blog... I had to take my computer with me today which makes my bag really heavy so I didn't want to walk up to the Hinckley, not to mention I really didn't feel well, so I decided to drive up there. I was backing out of my parking spot, which was a little closer to the dumpster than I thought it was. I heard a *thud* and was like "Oh crap. I just hit a car. What a way to start my day." I got out of my car and realized that I only hit the dumpster, and it was only my tail light that was damaged. Phew! Talk about luck. Okay, you're probably thinking I'm crazy for thinking I'm lucky that I hurt my car. After all, that car is my baby--has been since I got her last June. I'm looking at it in a positive light saying at least it wasn't the body of my car that was damaged or another car that I hit. The tail light will probably be the cheapest thing to fix on my car, and the dumpster certainly wasn't hurt. So yes, I'm lucky. Though as I think about it, at the speed I was going, hitting another car probably would have done less damage, but whatever.