The world of an RM is kind of a different one. It's not bad. Not at all. Just different. I've been at home getting used to "normal" life again for the past 2 months. And I must say, I'm SUPER ready to get back to school. It's nothing against my family or IF. I just need something different in my life. I need to get back in with people my age. I really learned that this past weekend.
You see, I was off work early on Friday and all day on Saturday, so I packed up and headed to Utah for the weekend for a much-needed mini-vacation. I stopped in Logan on my way down to see some old family friends. And a friend there had set me up on a blind date. It was fun to go out and do something with people my age. But...I felt a little awkward. I still don't really know how to act around guys my age. Looking back I could have handled myself so much better. I could have been a little less stiff. I could have tried to participate in the conversation with the group a little better. But, it was my first date home. And everyone's got to start somewhere.
I was super excited for Saturday. I had plans to see some of my old roommates, and a couple other friends who I hadn't seen yet. I got up and had breakfast with my aunt in Logan, then hit the road and headed further south to Provo. I first met up with Jamie. It was so good to see her again! We hit up Subway for lunch and had a great time talking. Then we went and saw Emily and her new baby. She is so adorable. And it was good to see them both again. But I realized while visiting with them how much everything has changed. They're both married now and have their own lives. And I'm still me. A different me, but me none-the-less. It was weird to be there with my old roommates who are now married and see how much our lives have changed.
I've got to say that the best part of my weekend, the part where I really felt like I fit in with people, was when I got with Whitney. She got home like a month before me, but was back to BYU before I got home. It was great to be able to talk to her and share experiences with her and have a great time. She showed me around least a bit. There's an awful lot of Provo. And we were just too busy talking. We also went and saw my old FHE brother who is now in Provo. That's where I fit in. With a group of RMs talking about life. Or with single college students. That was great too. Yes, that was super great. It made me realize how much I really do miss college life. I've only got 3 more weeks and I'll be back into it all. And I can't wait.
I also got to see my dad's brother Marc and his family. I haven't seen them in at least 2 years, if not more. They had a baby while I was in the MTC, who is now almost 2! They invited my cousin Michael and I for dinner, so I had a nice visit with all of them. It was great to see family too.
I had a nice long time to think on the drive back home. Think about life and everything that has gone on and changed in the past few years. I'm still trying to fit in, but I do have a solid idea of who I am. I know where I want to go with my life. And I really think that just getting back to Rexburg and the social scene (or as much as I can have between school and work) will help me out.
Not to mention...when I get back to Rexburg I'll probably be able to find an old friend or two, and make friends of my own so I don't have to tag along with my sister and her friends like the annoying younger sibling that I'm not. She's 4 years younger than me. And is such a good sport to let me hang out with them...even though I never did the same for her. Shame on me.
Live in Thanksgiving Daily
10 years ago